Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Project Overview· Research Careers in Photography
· Chose a specific career
· Create a power point telling about the career, using the specific criteria described for the assignment.
· Present the information to the class

Career Information· Job description/definition
· Other job qualifications
· Salary Range
· Potential Companies (2)
· Geographical Location of Jobs (2)
· Equipment needed
· Costs of Equipment
· Examples of Photos (specific to this career)4-6 good quality

College Information· (1)In State & (1)Out of State College/University/Technical School
· Requirements to be accepted into the degree program
· Required Courses for the degree.
· Current Tuition costs per semester

Professional Photographer
· Find a professional currently working in the field you chose
· Brief Biography
· Website of their work
· 2-3 Images of their work

You will be graded on:
· Meeting criteria
· Having Good Quality Images
· Research time spent wisely
· Creativity
· Layout/Design
· Readability of Text/Spelling
· Overall Effort

Careers in Photography

Research Websites:

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Photo 2, 1st Hour

Visual Journal assignment:
In your journal you will create a collage based on one word.
The collage will contain:
The word you have chosen
 4-6 different types of media (paper, paint, magazine, marker, etc)
At least 1 image or picture that represents the word
Composition/ layout
Color scheme
Collage must look cohesive & complete.

3rd hour: Photo 1

Visual Journal Assignment
For this weeks journal you will complete 2 pages. 1 page about COLOR & 1 page about LINE.
For each page you will create a collage that represents the Element of Design.
Each collage should include:
 3-4 different types of media (paper, magazine, paint, pencil, etc)
The element & its definition
1 or more pictures that show the element of design
It will also be graded on:
Cohesive design
It should look finished & cover the entire page.

Pages will be due next Wednesday.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Series of 10: Final Project

Upload max of 30 images: resize files if needed
Print Contact sheet: turn into green crate

Choose 10-12 of your best images: remember they must be cohesive (go together).

In PhotoScape:
10-12 Original images (w/minor edits only)
Save as: original1, original2, orginal3, etc

Alter those same 10-12 images: choose alterations/filters of your choice. Take your time & try different filters & tools.

All images must have the same "look" when finished.
Save as: alt1, alt2, alt3, etc.

Save images in your "H" drive.  You will not drop images into Photo Drop Box until Thurs or Friday.

Photo 1 will print 5 images.
Photo 2 & 3 will print 6-8 images.

Power Point

Power Point
Create a simple power point where the images fill the slide.

It will include:
The 10-12 Series photos from the final project. Use the originals along w/ the altered images. You may put them side by side on one slide or on seperate slides.

Also include 10-15 of your BEST images from the trimester.

Monday, October 25, 2010

I Was & Will Be......Writing Assignment

Photo 2 & 3 Writing Assignment
Due Wednesday, October 27th

You are currently working on a mini-collage book about your past, present & future. Today you will chose one or more of those time periods to write about. Your writing must have an introduction, body (4-6 paragraphs) & conclusion.

The total length of the paper should be 1 to 1 ½ pages typed.
 Use 12 pt font-Times New Roman- double spaced

What you choose to write about is up to you.
 Below is a list of some ideas.

 A favorite memory or specific story from your life

 A defining moment in your life

 Who you are now- the teenage years

 Plans for the future- dreams & aspirations

 Looking back- When you are 75 what would you want to look back & see

 Compare two stages of your life- tell how you have changed or what is different