Photo 2 & 3 Writing Assignment
Due Wednesday, October 27th
You are currently working on a mini-collage book about your past, present & future. Today you will chose one or more of those time periods to write about. Your writing must have an introduction, body (4-6 paragraphs) & conclusion.
The total length of the paper should be 1 to 1 ½ pages typed.
Use 12 pt font-Times New Roman- double spaced
What you choose to write about is up to you.
Below is a list of some ideas.
A favorite memory or specific story from your life
A defining moment in your life
Who you are now- the teenage years
Plans for the future- dreams & aspirations
Looking back- When you are 75 what would you want to look back & see
Compare two stages of your life- tell how you have changed or what is different